When the laws and rules break, And you think there’s no more you can take, Look to one who makes the earth and skies shake: Look to the God of Thunder.
In times of woe and strife You can call on Thunder. Look at the strength in my life: You can see the Thunder.
Red-bearded warder of the walls of the world. Hail, Hail God of Thunder.
He pulls the serpent from its bed, Fills giants’ hearts with awe and with dread; Over white, I’ll always choose the red: I’ll choose the God of Thunder.
‘Cuz whether or not it rains, I can always hear Thunder, And rushing through my veins, I can always feel Thunder:
Midgard’s foes fall where his hammer is hurled. Hail, Hail God of Thunder.
Hail, Friend of Freyja and Ullr’s Kin! Hail, Oku- Ving- Asa- Thor!
© 2009 Sorn Skald
- This poem is in the Common Domain and may be freely distributed, provided it remains unchanged including copyright notice and this License -