Hail, God of ship and shield, bow and ring! Skalds should shout his praises to the sky, The pure of heart should hope for his arrows to fly, And the wise should work for what his bow can bring.
Hail, God of ring and ship, shield and bow! Far-shooting foe of the foes of man, Averter of evil since his time began, Unrelenting warrior ‘gainst workers of woe.
Hail, God of bow and ring, ship and shield! ‘Cross frost-covered fields Winter King will slide Driving dark and cold and kin of Sea King’s bride: The gods’ enemies yield to weapons Wuldor can wield.
Hail, God of shield and bow, ring and ship! Redeeming light, honor restored By the Calmer of Waves, Yewdale’s Lord. Watcher in winter, glory of the gods in his grip.
I hail you, Thunderer’s Kin, I hail you, Sif’s Son, I hail, and I offer thanks, for all that you’ve done.
© 2010 Sorn Skald
- This poem is in the Common Domain and may be freely distributed, provided it remains unchanged including copyright notice and this License -