On December 22, 2019, Keeper of Seasons Hall met to observe Yule. Once again Sorn was kind enough to host us in his home.
Though our hall has encountered many challenges this year and we were much fewer in number than usual, those of us who were able gathered together and were glad to share in food, drink, music, and camaraderie. After our potluck dinner we passed a horn of mead (graciously provided by Sorn again despite having offered up my own) for our sumbel. Worthy hails, boasts, oaths, and toasts were made, and many expressed their gratitude for the Hall, it's members near and far, and our host for the night in particular. Afterward a small amount of mead was left for the husvættir, and the remainder of the drink was poured outside the house in offering to other powers.
The ritual completed, we returned inside and exchanged gifts while sharing good mead, desserts, and conversation until the evening went on long enough that we had to begin saying our goodbyes for the night.
Thank you again to all who attended, to Sorn for welcoming us into his home once more, and to those who couldn't join us this year I would just like to say that you were missed and we hope to see more of you again soon.
Glad Yule to all!