*This report was originally written by Sorn. It has been reposted here in an effort to collect all our resources on our new site.
On June 27, 2009 Keeper of Seasons Hall met in the Bosque near the Montaño trailhead to hold the year’s Midsummer Blót. Though this summer had been cooler and wetter than usual thus far, it was still warm enough that we decided, as in previous years, to meet early in the day to avoid the worst of the heat. The unusual amount of rain in the weeks leading up to the blót meant that the plant life of the Bosque was much greener and more lush than last year, and in addition to the usual bird life (including cranes flying overhead), we encountered large numbers of toads, frogs, lizards, insects, and small mammals on our way to the blót site.
For the ceremony itself, we chose a spot on the banks of the Rio Grande. It was open to the sun overhead and a little higher than the surrounding area, meaning that it was not nearly so damp as some of the ground we covered getting there. Erich led the blót, hailing the holy gods and their allies and thanking them for the gifts of the season. Each member then made personal hails as they saw fit, and the rest of the mead was poured out in libation.
Following the blót, we retired to a nearby location we had seen earlier, a sort of bower by the river, secluded and shaded but with a good view of the Rio Grande. Here we spread out a few blankets and had breakfast, relaxing in each others’ company, sharing news, telling tales, and boasting of worthy deeds accomplished since last we had seen one another. After we were done eating and talking, we made an offering to the landvættir and packed to leave. As we hiked out of the Bosque, we discussed plans for future personal and Hall-related activities.